Remembering that God is my firm foundation is one way God has continued to show me to trust without hesitation. The lesson in this passage is to trust God in every capacity of life.
Remembering that God is my firm foundation is one way God has continued to show me to trust without hesitation. The lesson in this passage is to trust God in every capacity of life.
If we put the little that we are in the hands of the Lord, He can multiply our gifts for the good of His people. Do not be afraid to give the gifts that God gave you.
Jesus shows us that we can trust in the promise of God’s presence in our lives. He shows us that with God, all is possible. And what about us? Will we choose to trust in God?
In Ephesians, Paul praises God who is eternally and incontrovertibly for us. For us. God is for us. So much so that God blesses us, chooses us, adopts us, destines us, redeems us, forgives us.
Beloved in Christ, now that The 81st General Convention is adjourned, I want to share a few words with you…
Harvest labor, Jesus says, is down into the fingernail-dirty corners of the world where the poor live who don’t often make it into our churches. It’s down into the muck of human relationships.
Beth-Sarah and I are immensely grateful to God for all of the support and prayers sent in our direction from across the church and especially from the people of The Diocese of Atlanta. By the grace of God, let us continue to press on in the name of Jesus Christ.
David and Goliath is one of the best stories in the Bible. Spoiler alert! Goliath loses big to the teenager!