Annual Council 2014

November 7-8
Hosted by
The Marietta Convocation
The Very Rev. Rob Wood, Dean
Hilton Atlanta/Marietta Conference Center
Standing Committee
Elect one lay member and one priest member, each for a three-year term; no successive full terms permitted.
Charles H. Dale (Chuck)
Member of St. Augustine’s, Morrow
I have a strong commitment to serve including Budget & Finance Committees, Diocesan Foundation and Community Ministry Collaborative. Delegate to Annual Council. Previously Stewardship Commission, Canon 20 Task Force, and Chair of the MEG Chapter of the Vergers’ Guild. I have served in a variety of leadership roles including Vestry, Senior & Junior Warden, Stewardship & Finance, Chair of the Search Committee, Lector, LEM, Verger, and received Servant Leader Award.
Ginny Heckel
Member of St. James’, Clayton
A cradle Episcopalian from Colorado, my path to this moment as nominee for Lay Member of the Standing Committee includes: Board Chair and member, Episcopal Charities Foundation; member, Community Ministry Collaborative; longtime Lay Delegate to Annual Council. My parish is St. James, Clayton, where I serve as Lay Eucharistic Minister and member of Long-range Planning, Stewardship, Membership, and Worship Committees. Nominated by the Northeast Georgia Convocation, I feel called to serve.
Joyce Hendricks
Member, St. Catherine’s, Marietta
Retired corporate finance professional who has spent the last nine years as a volunteer and paid professional at both the parish and diocesan levels. St. Catherine’s Episcopal Church: Member since 1983, former vestry member, active volunteer; St. James’ Episcopal Church, Marietta: current finance manager; St. Teresa’s Episcopal Church, Acworth: former finance officer; Diocese of Atlanta: Advisory Board of The Road (Episcopal Service Corp), Budget Committee, interim support for Finance
Office, Finance Committee, Tenth Bishop Nominating Committee, a consultant at several parishes, volunteer.
Jenna Strizak
Associate Rector at Holy Trinity, Decatur
Trainer for Beloved Community: Commission for Dismantling Racism, Task Force for University Campus Ministry, Teaching Assistant at Candler School of Theology at Emory, Priest for Rose and Shield: Episcopal and Lutheran Campus Ministry at Agnes Scott College, Spiritual Director for an Episcopal Service Corps member with The Road, Organizer of the first Clerical Kickball Game at the fall 2014 Presbyters’ Conference.
Jamie Stutler
Rector at St. Clement’s, Canton
Rector at St. Clement’s since 2004; Diocesan Stewardship Commission member and consultant; serving on the Executive Board; past member of the Human Trafficking Commission and Cursillo Secretariat; served as spiritual director for last two New Beginning weekends; Lily Grant recipient, 2012; locally and ecumenically work with Habitat for Humanity and Path to Shine in Canton. I am excited about the direction Bishop Rob is taking us across the diocese and look forward to serving however God calls me.
Trustee for Sewanee: The University of the South
Elect one clerical trustee for a three-year term. Must consult with bishop diocesan prior to nomination.
Stephen Burnett
Member, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Atlanta
Pleased to continue my service to the Diocese. As the retiring Finance Chair (27 years), I have been responsible for overall stewardship of our financial blessings. Member of St. Luke’s 36 years and was stewardship chair, vestry, Sunday school
teacher and warden. Campus home in Sewanee and an apartment in Mid-town. A daughter graduated Sewanee (‘02.) Active in numerous university activities, donor, trustee committees, including financial workshops for the School of Theology.
William D. Harrison (Billy)
Member, St. Peter and St. Paul, Marietta
Cradle Episcopalian; born at Sewanee when father was in seminary, and graduated from University of the South; national leader for Assembly of Brotherhood of St. Andrew; led one of largest chapters of Brotherhood in the country at Peter & Paul; chairperson of search committee for rector, and leader of various groups. I would consider it a high honor to return as a trustee and help strengthen and preserve Sewanee’s uniqueness for generations to come.
Sage Hoare
Member, All Saints’, Atlanta
Sage Rhodes Hoare is a 1986 graduate of the University of the South. From 2007-14, she served on the Executive Advisory Board of the Associated Alumni, and two years as president of the Associated Alumni and trustee. She serves on the School of Theology Planning
Committee, the Program Center Advisory Board, the Off-Campus Admission Program, Greek Alumni Council and as Career Services advisor. She a vice president at AT&T and is married to the Rev. Geoffrey Hoare.
Board of Governors, Mikell Camp & Conference Center
Elect two governors, lay or clerical, for a three-year term; no consecutive full terms.
Timothy F. Lytle (Tim)
Grace-Calvary, Clarkesville
Phone/email: 706-754-8303/
Nominated by the Northeast Georgia Convocation “I worked at Mikell on summer staff (4 summers), as interim director (1 summer), assistant director (2 summers), dean and dean’s staff member (multiple weeks). I worked as interim director at two other camps. Previously, I served several terms on the Mikell Board. I teach philosophy and religion at Piedmont College. I have served on the vestry and various committees at Grace Calvary. I am currently on the worship committee and a delegate to Annual Council.”
Tripp Norris
St. Columba’s, Suwanee
Phone: 770-888-4464 Email:
“I’ve been part of Camp Mikell and its ministries for many years, serving as dean to Intermediate Camp, helping fundraise for the pool, spiritual director for the diocesan Happening Retreat held at Mikell twice each year, and even as a parent of summer campers. Mikell is a huge part of our ministry to children, teenagers and young adults. It would be my privilege and honor to serve on the Mikell Board and help strengthen this wonderful ministry of our diocese.”
To be nominated by the Bishop Diocesan and elected by the Council
Diocesan Officers: (Diocesan Canon 2): Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Registrar for a one-year term.
Diocesan Disciplinary Board (for clergy discipline) (Diocesan Canon 42)” one Clerical Member for a five-year term and one Lay Member for a four-year term
Annual Council Reports
Episcopal Charities Foundation
Community Ministries Collaborative
Stewardship Commission
Appleton Episcopal Ministries
Prefiled Resolutions
R14-1 Clergy Sabbaticals
R-14-2 CVEM Courtesy
R-14-3 Continuing Education for Clergy
R-14-4 Medicaid Expansion Advocacy
Canon Revisions
C14-1 Canon 9 (Appleton Ministries)
C14-2 Canon 24 (Appleton Ministries)