Theology Classes for Latino Lay Leaders
The Centro de Educación Teológica para Latinos (CETLA), the Theological Education Center for Latinos responds to “a pressing need” for informed lay leaders in Diocese of Atlanta’s Hispanic worshiping communities.
Morning and afternoon classes are offered one Saturday per month.
CETLA was begun in 2014 and covers an array of topics from Anglicanism and the Book of Common Prayer to the Bible and systematic theology.
“This is for people from our Hispanic communities who want to deepen their faith as well as engage in ministry in the Episcopal Church,” said Diocesan Missioner for Hispanic Ministries The Rev. Irma Nohemi Guerra. CETLA provides classes for lay readers, eucharistic ministers, vestry members and ushers. And it serves as a foundation for future deacons and priests.
Guerra coordinates a team of seven clerics who serve as instructors.
For information about applying for CETLA, which offers classes September through May, contact Guerra at 404-707-1217 or