“Called to Transformation” uses asset-based community development as an approach to engaging Church and Community, and is a training offered through Episcopal Relief and Development and the Episcopal Church. It is centered around the belief that individuals, groups, and communities have the gifts they need to address the needs they see around them. 1 Corinthians 12 tells us that each of us is given different gifts to serve the community and we are all a part of the body of Christ working together.
The May 6th Workshop will feature “Called to Transformation” training, as well as Stories of Transformative Ministries from around our Diocese, of those who have put those ideas into practice.
All church leaders who are interested in ways to help transform the community within and around their congregations are invited and encouraged to attend! What is God calling your worshipping community to next? These are tools for noticing God’s activity and discerning how to join God in a ministry of transformation!