“Somehow Isaiah hears God pose a two-part question. ‘Whom shall I send and who will go for us?’ In that moment, Isaiah consents to a partnership with God. A partnership that has always been available to him. But now, because grief and grace have conspired in a particular way, Isaiah says yes to God living at the center of his altar at the heart of his inward sea. If ordination is anything, ordination needs to be that, an interrogation of the inward altar and the most genuine consent we can offer to our creator, redeemer and companion God. Why? Because ever-evolving expressions of consent to God is true worship: The fulcrum of our identity. Our most generative now and our brightest possible future.
‘Send me,’ Isaiah says in response to God’s question. How amazing! At the same time both a naive and wise response. Naive because in that moment he had no idea what he was really consenting to. Wise, because God is the only one worthy of our most full-throated yes.”
An excerpt from Bishop Wright’s sermon for the Ordination to the Priesthood.
For People with Bishop Rob Wright
The podcast expands on Bishop’s For Faith devotional, drawing inspiration from the life of Jesus to answer 21st-century questions.