Lent is a gift, it’s 40 days where we without shame or guilt can identify, confess and abandon ideas and habits that frustrate God, injure us and our neighbors. One behavior we must abandon is the Death Penalty. We must confess that we chose ignorance, indifference or vengeance as individuals and as a state in this matter. And, we must be clear there’s no justification for Capital Punishment in the life and teaching of Jesus. None! The Episcopal Church as a whole has been opposed to Capital Punishment since 1958. Right now the state of Georgia is entertaining a bi-partisan bill HB 702 that replaces the death penalty with life, without the possibility of parole. This Lent, I am asking you to join me in opposing state sanctioned murder reserved for the poor and the mentally ill in our state. Below you will find information and concrete steps on how you can make a difference.
I wish you a holy and restorative Lent.
Click here for more about HB702 and to find resources for your parish.