2024 Annual Council Nominations
Submit Nominees for Office
Elections for diocesan offices will be held on Friday, November 11. Convocations, Lay Delegates and Clerical Members may make nominations.
Member, Standing Committee (Diocesan Canon 3)
- One Lay Member and one Priest Member each for a three-year term; no successive full terms permitted.The Standing Committee acts as a Council of Advice to the Bishop, consents to elections and ordinations of Bishops and to ordinations of Diocesan Priests and Deacons, becomes the ecclesiastical authority should the office of Bishop Diocesan become vacant, and to other matters. It meets as often as needed, frequently monthly.
Governor, Mikell Camp and Conference Center (Canon 8)
- Two Governors, lay or clerical, for a three-year term; no consecutive full terms.The board is responsible for the care and maintenance of the physical properties, the programs and activities of the Center, and the uses to which the facilities may be put. The board meets no less than four times a year.
Trustee, Sewanee, University of the South (Canon 10)
- One Lay, for a three-year term; no more than four consecutive full terms.Persons interested in this office must consult with Bishop Diocesan, who nominates one or more candidates. Trustees attend the annual spring meeting at Sewanee and act on issues of substance that affect the governance of the University of the South.
Nominated by the Bishop Diocesan and Elected by the Council
Diocesan Officers
Chancellor, Chancellor Emeritus, Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, and Registrar (Canon 2). Each for one-year terms
Diocesan Disciplinary Board (Canon 42 for clergy discipline)
One clerical member for a five-year term and one lay member for a four-year term