The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Winnie Varghese Speaks at National Cathedral

 I was ordained at a time [2000] when it would not have been possible to speak clearly about the beloved mess of queer people from a pulpit. It still feels like an honor. The Reverend Winnie Varghese, rector of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Atlanta, preached Sunday,...

Packed Open House for The Wright House

ATHENS – The chapel at The Wright House was packed. There was singing, there was preaching, and there was even a collection taken – despite there being no altar, no vestments, and no paint on the walls. The open house on Saturday, June 11 – styled a...


“The truth about God must be spoken. This is how God began creation, by unmuting God’s self and speaking life into existence. “Whatever the Trinity wants from creatures or creation, God does it through words-efficacious, non-violent words.” Words that destabilize and...

Episcopalians Gear up to Reduce Mass Killings

In the lead-up to a June 11 “March for our Lives” in Atlanta, Episcopalians are focusing on developing new tactics to lessen the numbing, decades-long, repetition of mass shootings. On June 5, at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Atlanta, WABE radio’s Lisa Hagen gave...
A Prayer for Uvalde

A Prayer for Uvalde

“Dear God, bind up the wounds of all that suffer from gun violence. Those maimed and stifled. Those left alone and grieving. Those who struggle to get through one more day. Bless them Lord with your presence. Help them with your hope. Dear Lord, for all lives...